The E-bike Epidemic.
Like disease bearing mosquitos, E-bikes have taken over the safety and tranquility of the American modern city. They are everywhere, left randomly on streets, sidewalks and alleys, littering our cityscape with unsightly and unusual dangers. If you haven’t noticed, greed and stupidity have invaded your everyday life, with a strong promise to make your locomotion more dangerous, fill the emergency rooms with foreseeable hazards, and threaten the overall well-being of the public to fill the coffers of some and the thrills of others.

Why the E-bike? There is no good explanation! Under the present regime, this motorized and bastardized “bike” can travel at speeds up to 30 mph. But, travel where and driven by whom? There is no designation or provision as to where these insects may go or land. Do they belong on the street, the sidewalk, in bike lanes, shopping centers, parking lots, malls, or just anywhere they please… Again, no rules! Can they be driven by an 8 year-old, an 80 year-old, is there training, instruction, guidance, rules or requirements for operation? Again, no!